Terms and Conditions

The DirtBike.ro service, administered by Legis Cons SRL, CUI: RO15295724, with Reg Com no. J08/488/2003, headquartered in Brasov, str. General Dumitrache no. 4, is provided to you in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement ("Agreement"). This service is provided to you primarily through the web address http://www.DirtBike.ro, hereinafter referred to as the "website". Accessing the www.DirtBike.ro website in any way is governed by the conditions mentioned in this document. The use of the www.DirtBike.ro website represents an implicit agreement on your part with this document.


Any communication and information initiated through this Service will be governed by these terms and conditions, as representing the complete, exclusive and definitive Agreement between you and Legis Cons SRL hereinafter referred to as the "Provider". The Provider reserves the right, on a unilateral basis, to modify, amend or update these terms and conditions at any time, without prior notice. The Provider also reserves the right to amend, add or delete any aspect of the Service at any time without prior notice. These changes will enter into force upon publication on this website. If you continue to use this Service after the revision, it means that you have fully accepted the terms of this Agreement, including the changes that have occurred.

Provider or DirtBike.ro - the company Legis Cons SRL, a Romanian legal entity, with headquarters in Brașov, str. General Dumitrache no.4, ap.5, Brașov, Brașov County, Postal Code: 500168, telephone 0758211061, [email protected], registered at the Trade Register Office attached to the Brașov Court under no. J08/488/2003, CUI RO15295724, share capital: 200 lei.

The DirtBike.ro service, offered to the public through the DirtBike.ro website, consists of presenting information for those interested in the field of cycling.
Also, this service includes, but is not limited to, communication through discussion forums, publishing advertisements, uploading personal photos, personal texts, etc. Accessing any content of the DirtBike.ro website implicitly represents a use of the DirtBike.ro service.
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define and regulate the conditions of use of this site, as well as the terms and conditions applicable to the services offered by the Provider through the DirtBike.ro website to natural and/or legal persons.

We reserve the right to prohibit certain persons or certain registered users from using the DirtBike.ro service, in whole or in part, with or without warning or notice, if they prove or are suspected of abusive use, discrimination, aggression, use of obscene words and expressions, spam, promotion of financial services, gambling, illicit activities, content prohibited to minors, or if they prove malice.

Also, the DirtBike.ro service does not guarantee in any way that a user will be able to get back in touch with the people they are looking for. This depends on factors that are not entirely under the control of the DirtBike.ro service, and thus it cannot and will not provide such a guarantee.

Technical or functional support from the team that maintains the DirtBike.ro service is offered to the extent possible, the provision of this support being in no way guaranteed. In any case, efforts are made to answer all problems and questions received from users of the service.

The functioning, availability, accuracy or veracity of the information provided within the DirtBike.ro service are not guaranteed in any way.

Registering as a member of DirtBike.ro implies the following obligations:
Completing the fields required for registration with real data. Registration using another person's data without their permission is not allowed.

You will not create and/or use more than one account. The use of multiple accounts will result in the deactivation of all of them.

You will not insult or use insults against other members, nor will you make racist, xenophobic, or discriminatory remarks.

You will not use excessive capitalization in any section of the site.

The language used in all sections of the site is ROMANIAN, except for the sections of the forum dedicated to English and German. Quotes in other languages ​​are allowed, when they are translated or when their meaning is obvious.

You will not publish advertising and/or spam content.

You will not publish comments that are unrelated to the content of the page (article, photo, video, etc.), malicious and/or malicious.

Any violation of these provisions will be sanctioned by the partial or total deactivation of the user account.

The moderators have the right to partially or totally deactivate any account that they consider does not comply with this agreement.

The user assumes responsibility for the content of the published ads and declares that they correspond to the real and legal status of the product that is the subject of the ad and that they do not violate the rights of the Provider. and/or of third parties.

The User declares on his own responsibility that he is the owner of all intellectual property rights, including copyrights regarding the published content, including photographs.

By completing the form and/or sending the ad to the Provider for publication on the DirtBike.ro Page by other means, the User declares that he fully and unconditionally agrees with the Terms and Conditions of this document.

The verification/moderation of the Ads published on the DirtBike.ro Marketplace by the Provider Operators aims to remove incomplete, obviously incorrect and/or Ads that do not comply with the provisions of this document (objects of suspicious origin, have content considered offensive or slanderous, are contrary to good practices, etc.), thus trying to offer other Users a database that contains as few Ads as possible. erroneous.

To be validated, an ad must comply with the following rules:

The ad refers to a single object – Îotherwise a moderator can delete the ad;

The ad is ˆin the correct category – Îotherwise a moderator can correct the ad or can deactivate the ad when the user repeats the violation of the rules. If îwithin 5 days of deactivation the problem is not resolved, the ad will be deleted;

The ad can be ˆin the site categories (it is related to cycling) – Îotherwise: deletion;

The ad is not a duplicate of another ad – Îotherwise: deletion;

The language used is Romanian – ÎOtherwise: correct/disable;

Caps lock is not used – ÎOtherwise: correct/disable;

The title refers to the object in the ad – ÎOtherwise: correct/disable;

The title does not contain special characters or words and phrases such as: sell, buy, exchange, opportunity, discount, offer – ÎOtherwise: correct/disable;

The title does not constitute key word spam – ÎOtherwise: correct/deactivate;

The price is realistic - ÎOtherwise: correct/deactivate;

The description, attributes and images reflect the same object - ÎOtherwise: correct/deactivate;

The ad has at least one image attached – ÎOtherwise: deactivate;

The images are clear – ÎOtherwise: deactivate;

The images have no deletions – ÎOtherwise: deactivate;

The images are not rotated – ÎOtherwise: correct;

The images contain the object in the ad in the foreground – Otherwise: disable;

The images do not contain inscriptions (other than the date recorded by the camera) or different signs or have applied logos, trademarks or other signs that could infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties – Otherwise: disable;

The image is exactly the object in the ad, not images taken from the internet. Exceptions are ads for new products, under warranty, for which an invoice is provided and returns are accepted – Otherwise: disable;

The images do not contain web addresses – ÎOtherwise: disable;

The description does not contain links to external pages - ÎOtherwise: correct/disable;

The description describes the object of the ad – ÎOtherwise: disable;

The description does not contain offensive language (insults, discrimination, political messages, incitement to racial hatred, etc.) – ÎOtherwise: delete;

The description does not contain personal data – ÎOtherwise: disable;

It does not contain premium rate telephone numbers as contact data – ÎOtherwise: disable;

The object is not suspected of being obtained through theft – ÎOtherwise a moderator will request additional information. If these are not provided, the moderator will disable the ad;

An object is suspected of being stolen in the following situations:

The selling price is well below the market price;

The object corresponds to an object that is the subject of a theft ad;

The object is not suspected of being a counterfeit or replica of an original product and sold as original - otherwise a moderator will request additional information. If these are not provided, the moderator will disable the ad;

An object is suspected of being a counterfeit or replica of an original product in the following situations:

The selling price is well below the market price;

There are ads on the internet with replicas of that product and they correspond to the product in the ad;

The object is not suspected of being damaged/defective and/or in a condition that may endanger the safety/life of the potential buyer. All products that present defects will be described with express mention of the defects and detailed photos of them. – Otherwise, a moderator will request additional information. If these are not provided, the moderator will disable the ad;

An object is suspected of being damaged/defective and/or in a condition that may endanger the safety/life of the potential buyer in the following situations:

There are photos in the ad from which this can be deduced;

The defects are briefly mentioned in the ad, but not detailed;

The product is refurbished in a condition that does not correspond to the information about the original condition of that product (color, inscriptions, etc.);

There is information on the internet about the defects of that product;

The user uses multiple accounts to publish ads – Otherwise: deletion;

If the ad represents a counterfeit product, this aspect must be CLEARLY stated and in capital letters in the title and in the description - Otherwise: deletion

If these provisions are not respected, moderators have the following actions available:

Deactivation of the ad (invisible). It is done under the following conditions:

It does not comply with one or more points of the regulation that provide for the deactivation of the ad and the user is expected to remedy those points, in order to be reactivated (made visible) on the site;

It does not comply with one or more points of the regulation, and the ad cannot be corrected by a moderator without making a considerable effort (serious spelling mistakes, abuse of caps lock, etc.);

A user recidivists by posting ads that do not comply with one or more points of the regulation;

A user is sanctioned with ”mute” (temporarily loses the right to post anything on the site);

If the problem for which the ad was disabled is not resolved within 5 days, then the ad will be deleted.
When the user fixes the problems of a disabled ad or when the sanction period expires, it is his duty to notify a moderator, in order to reactivate the ads.

Deleting the ad. This is done under the following conditions:

When the user's account is closed by a moderator or even by the user himself;

When the ad does not comply with one or more points of the regulations, which provide for its deletion;

Modifying the ad. It is done under the following conditions:

When the ad does not comply with one or more points of the regulation, but the corrections can be made by a moderator, without making a considerable effort (minor spelling mistakes, wrong category, keyword spam, etc.);

Requesting additional information from the user. It is done under the following conditions:

When the ad does not comply with one or more points of the regulation, which provide for the request for additional information;

Additional information can be documents of origin (warranty certificate, invoice) or anything else that can clarify the situation of an ad.

Ads promotion
Any ad published on Bazarul DirtBike.ro directly by the user can be promoted according to the articles of the following points. There are two types of promotion that the user can opt for:

Promotion in the ad list. This type of promotion is available for the following time periods: 7, 14 and 30 days;

Promotion on the first page of the site and on the first page of the bazaar. This type of promotion is available for the following time periods: 7, 14 and 30 days;

Ad list promotion consists of displaying promoted ads at the beginning of the ad list regardless of the sorting criterion, labeling them as promoted ads and highlighting them in the list, with a different color from the other ads;

Frontpage promotion consists of displaying promoted ads on the first page of the DirtBike.ro website and on the first page of the DirtBike.ro bazaar. Due to the fact that the number of ads promoted on the front page at a given time may exceed the number of available positions (namely 8 on the front page of the site and 12 on the front page of the bazaar), the allocation will be made based on an algorithm that displays the ads randomly on each page load so that each promoted ad benefits from the same advantage (number of impressions);

The promotion, both in the list of ads and on the front page, is valid for a single ad. The remaining days do not carry over and cannot be used to promote a different product. Users can purchase both types of promotion (in the list of ads and on the front page) for the same ad at the same time;

4.016 / 5.000

Promoted ads will not expire during the promotion period;

Ad promotion rates can be found on the ad add page.

Ads paid for before a price change will benefit from the service that was paid for at the price specified on the site at the time of payment, while the purchase of additional services will be made using the new price list;

Ad promotion is made after payment is confirmed to the provider. Payment confirmation can be made by sending the payment order.

The forum is used in accordance with the following rules:

ÎBefore posting a new topic, make sure that the topic you are interested in has not ALREADY BEEN DISCUSSED.

ÎBefore posting a new topic, CHOOSE THE CORRECT CATEGORY!

The topic title must be related to the topic being discussed. Only letters of the Latin alphabet, from A to Z, and numbers from 0-9 are allowed. Abbreviations, exclamation marks, brackets, smileys and other distracting punctuation marks are NOT ACCEPTED. Capital letters can only be used at the beginning of a word, not for entire words.

Advertisements and sales/purchase announcements are not allowed.

Try to be as coherent as possible in your expression and to respect the grammar of the Romanian language in order to be better understood. Avoid "messenger" type expressions.

Reply only to the topic and only when you have something constructive to say.

Any violation of these rules will be sanctioned with the partial or total deactivation of the user account and the deletion or editing of inappropriate content.

Moderators have the right to edit and delete any content they consider inappropriate.

The publication of reviews is done in compliance with the following rules:
Reviews regarding products:
ÎBefore creating the topic, check if there is already a topic for your product.

The title will follow the format "product type / brand / model / year of manufacture (where applicable)"; for example "Shimano Deore XT rear derailleur (RD-M780 SGS) 2010". The exact series is not mandatory, but welcome, because it defines the product more clearly.

The review must contain the following parameters: the duration of use of the product, the field in which the product was used (XC, DH, DJ/street, BMX, etc.), the advantages, disadvantages and the conclusion.

The price at which the product was purchased and the store where it came from are optional.

Superficial reviews are not allowed, such as "It's a very good piece, I recommend it.".

Reviews targeting commercial agents (stores):

The title will follow the format "Store name - web address".

Reviews are only made for stores in Romania.

Post only after you have interacted with the reviewed store.

Negative reviews are made only after you have îtried to resolve the issue amicably.

The review should address professional assessments such as: how to operate in the case of online orders, organization, skills, layout, product selection, employee attitude, etc.

Your review must be about a recent experience. Comments about experiences older than 3/6/12 months will not be accepted.

Store owners and employees are not allowed to post reviews.

Any violation of these rules will be sanctioned with partial or total deactivation of the user account and the deletion or editing of inappropriate content.

Moderators have the right to edit and delete any content they consider to be in violation of this agreement.


Privacy is extremely important to the Provider and we will make every effort to ensure the confidentiality of correspondence with the Provider. However, you agree that the Provider has the right to monitor the Service and to disclose any information necessary to comply with laws, regulations or other governmental requests, to properly administer the Service or to protect itself or its Members. The Provider reserves the right to reject or remove any material that does not meet the Provider's requirements or that may be interpreted, unilaterally, as inappropriate.

In accordance with our information protection policy, we may provide other parties (called third parties) with certain general information regarding the structure of DirtBike.ro members. This information will not include personally identifiable information, except in cases where this is explicitly accepted by members or where this is necessary to comply with the law, judicial proceedings.

Also, DirtBike.ro does not offer any guarantee on the content of members' internal messages, the responsibility being entirely the registered users who use this aspect of the service. Abuse of any kind must be reported immediately to [email protected].

1. Data We Collect
We collect the following types of data:

  • Account Information: When you register, we collect your name, email address, phone number, and other account details.

  • User Content: Ads, comments, and messages that you create or share through the Platform.

  • Payment Information: Billing details, such as credit card information, collected by our third-party payment service providers.

  • Usage and Log Data: Information about your interactions. with the app (e.g. pages visited, ads viewed, clicks, etc.).

  • Device Information: IP addresses, browser type, and device identifiers to help us îimprove the functionality and security of the app.

  • Cookies and Tracking: Cookies and similar technologies to track your activity. on the platform and to improve the user experience.

Data collection:

  • ÎRegistration and authentication via Facebook

    • Email: With îregistration via Facebook, the application will store the email address associated with your profile, used as a unique identifier for any subsequent connections.

    • Profile picture: When îregistering via Facebook, the application retrieves information about the profile picture, used for display in various sections of the platform, such as: bazaar, ads, articles, user account, messages, forum, comments and reviews.

  • ÎRegistration and authentication via Google

    • Email: ÎWhen registering with Google, the application will save the email address associated with your profile, to ensure a unique identifier for future logins.

    • Profile picture: The application will also retrieve the profile picture from your Google account, which will be displayed in the same sections: bazaar, ads, articles, user account, messages, forum, comments and reviews.

  • ÎRegistration and authentication with your own credentials

    • Email: The application will save the email address provided at the time of registration, which will be used for unique identification and subsequent authentication.

    • Phone number: The unique phone number will be stored to allow login and communication on the platform. The phone number provided is required to verify account eligibility and to ensure security in the authentication and communication process on the platform.

    • Password: The password entered will be encrypted and stored securely for future authentications.

    • Name: The application will save your name, which will be used to personalize your profile and interactions on the platform.

2. How we use your data
We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide our services: We process your data to operate the application, allowing you to create and manage ads, interact with other users, and access other features.

  • To improve the platform: We analyze user behavior and feedback to improve features and functionality.

  • To communicate with you: We may send you notifications, updates, or important information about your account. or about the platform via email or in-app notifications.

  • To show relevant ads: We may process your preferences and activity to personalize the ads you see.

  • For security: We use your data to detect and prevent fraudulent activities and to improve security measures.

3. How we share your data.
We may share your data. îin the following situations:

  • Service Providers: We may share information with third-party providers who assist us with payment processing, data analysis, email delivery, hosting, and customer support.

  • Legal Obligations: We may disclose your information if we are required to do so by law or in response to valid legal process.

  • Business Transfers: In the event of a merger or acquisition, your information may be transferred to the new entity that owns it.

4. Your Data Protection Rights
You have the following rights regarding your personal information:

  • Access and portability: You can request a copy of your data in an accessible format.

  • Rectification: You can request the correction of inaccurate or incomplete data.

  • Erase: You can request the deletion of your data by sending an email to [email protected]. We will process your request. and we will delete your account, along with all associated data, in accordance with legal obligations and our data retention practices.

  • Objection to processing: You can object to certain types of data processing, such as for marketing purposes.

5. Data retention
We only retain your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected or in accordance with legal obligations.

6. Data security
We take data security seriously. We implement encryption, access control, and other security practices to protect your data. personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure or modification.

7. Changes to this Policy
We may periodically update this privacy policy to reflect changes in our practices. We encourage you to review this page regularly for the most current information.

8. How can I delete my account?
If you wish to delete your account from our platform, please send a request via email to [email protected]. In the email, you must clearly specify that you want to permanently delete your account, and we will process your request within 1-3 business days.

  • Once your account is deleted, all data associated with it will be permanently removed from our system.

  • Please make sure to include the email address you registered with on the platform, to make it easier for us to identify your account.

Account deletion request template:

Subject: Account deletion request - [Your name]

"Dear Admin,
Please proceed to delete my account registered with the email address [your email address].
I understand that this action is final and that all data associated with my account will be deleted.
I await confirmation of the completion of the deletion process within the stated 1-3 business days.

Thank you,
[Your Name]"


During the registration process, you will be asked to set a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of this password and are fully responsible for all activities that may occur through its use. You may change your password and personal profile at any time. You agree to immediately notify the Provider of any inaccuracies in your personal profile, any unauthorized, improper or illegal use of your password or account, or any other security issue. It is your responsibility to update and ensure that the email address to which messages are sent is correct. The Provider is not responsible for any losses, charges, damages, causes of action, expenses, judgments, awards, penalties or fees arising from your failure to comply with the provisions of this Section. It is your responsibility to ensure that any authorized user of your DirtBike.ro account has read the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement and understands that their use of the Service is subject to these terms and conditions. You agree that you are fully responsible for the use of the Service by any authorized user and for any consequences that may result from the improper use of the Service or the violation of the Agreement by such person.

We do not guarantee the quality, responsibility, timeliness or accuracy of the information presented or the services provided. Even though we do everything reasonably possible to authenticate the information provided by members upon registration, we cannot prevent various individuals from providing false information or acting for hidden purposes. We require each registered member to act honestly and ethically when using the Service. However, we cannot be sure that all information provided by registered members is current and correct. We encourage you to communicate with other members respecting the principles of common sense and prudence. It is your responsibility to evaluate the reliance on and accuracy of all forms of warranty provided by other members. It is your responsibility to register and maintain a correct Personal Profile so that you receive accurate information through DirtBike.ro. This service and the information presented on this website are provided "as is", and the use of this service is done completely and exclusively at your own risk. To the extent permitted by law, the Provider disclaims any express or implied warranty. The Provider does not provide any warranty that: the service will meet your requirements, the service will be timely and error-free, the results of using the Service will be consistent with the intended purpose, the quality of the Service will meet your expectations, or any errors in the Service will be corrected. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained from the Provider or any other registered member shall create a warranty not expressly stated in this Agreement.

The Provider will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our website and we will try to correct errors and omissions as soon as possible. However, the Provider is not responsible for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information provided by you or other registered members. You expressly agree that the Provider will not be responsible for any direct, indirect, minor, special, major or incidental damages, including but not limited to lost profits, commercial damage or other intangible losses, resulting from: the use of this Service, or any other aspect related to this Service. You agree to defend and indemnify the Provider and its operators, directors, employees, branches, subsidiaries and representatives from and against any and all demands, claims, actions, impositions, losses, damages, costs (including without limitation attorneys' fees), expenses, judgments, decisions, fines, adjustments or other liabilities resulting from or related to any other action by you or a third party, in connection with the use of this Service, or any other matter related to this Service. The DirtBike.ro website collective that offers the DirtBike.ro service will not be held responsible in any way for losses or damages suffered by users as a result of using this service or the aforementioned website, losses or damages implicit or explicit, direct or indirect, present or future, and does not offer any kind of guarantee, the service being offered "as is".

The DirtBike.ro website collective does not assume any kind of responsibility regarding the opinions expressed by users in the discussion forums, in the guestbook or in the messages sent through the DirtBike.ro website, all responsibility remaining entirely with the respective users.

Any dispute, controversy or claim resulting from or related to this Agreement, or the violation of its provisions or cancellation, will be resolved according to law.

This Agreement becomes effective from the moment of its acceptance until the moment it is terminated either by you or by the Provider. The termination of the Service and this Agreement occurs 30 days from the moment of the termination notice sent by email to [email protected]. The Provider may suspend or interrupt the use of this Service without prior notice if the Provider considers that you have violated or have not acted consistently in the spirit of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You agree that the Provider does not assume any responsibility to you or any other third party for any eventual termination of your access to this Service.

The information included in this site is protected by the provisions of the copyright law. Users are authorized to copy or print the content of the pages or documents presented on the DirtBike.ro website, without being able to use them for commercial purposes and without being able to distribute them to other persons.

Copying, in any form, of the content presented on the DirtBike.ro website and its personal use will always be accompanied by the specification "Copyright 2022, DirtBike.ro. All Rights Reserved." or the DirtBike.ro logo. By this authorization, the Provider does not transmit to users the license or other copyrights over the content presented on the DirtBike.ro website. The design, service titles, words or expressions used in the content of the DirtBike.ro website belong to the Provider or, as the case may be, to other persons, are registered signs or trademarks protected by national and/or international laws and cannot be used by users in publications or other own productions. Without the prior written consent of the Provider, users and third parties may not display or use the DirtBike.ro logo in any way.

In accordance with the requirements of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, and of Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, the Provider will manage the personal data you provide us about yourself in a secure manner and only for the specified purposes. We inform you that the personal data you provide us with is processed for the purpose of providing the Provider with the best possible internet and health services.

At your option, you provide us with some of your personal data in order to create a valid account and benefit from the service offered by the Provider.

In accordance with Law no. 677/2001, you have the right to access, to intervene in the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to seek legal action. At the same time, you have the right to oppose the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of the data. You agree that the deletion of your personal data will be followed by the deletion of your account from the system and the impossibility of accessing the service offered by the Provider.

To exercise these rights, you can make a written request with your request, which you can then send by post to the address Legis Cons SRL, str. General Dumitrache no.4, bl.267, sc.C, ap.5, Brasov, Brasov county with the mention "For the DirtBike.ro team" or by e-mail to [email protected].

The storage of information or obtaining access to information stored in the user's terminal equipment is carried out by the Site Administrator only for the following purposes: providing services on the Internet, for marketing, advertising and publicity purposes and / or providing goods and services. Third parties who store information or have access to information stored in the terminal equipment of the DirtBike.ro site user are: advertising providers, providers of audience and site performance analysis services and suppliers of goods and services. The general purpose of processing this information by third parties is to provide advertising, marketing and publicity services. For more information, visit the "About Cookies" page.

DirtBike.ro Team


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